Raising the game in sport specific safeguarding.


Training - Contact for information: GuardSport will be offering both bespoke and general Sport specific safeguarding training:

  • Face to face training in person or through live video link. Bespoke training tailored to you and the needs of your organisation. Contact for more information.

The GuardSport project: Safeguarding communication bundle. Regular safeguarding communication is vital in creating a culture in which athletes are confident, thriving and can perform at their best. Creating a safeguarding aware community is the goal. Support the project by signing up!

The voice of the young athlete is vital in creating a safeguarding culture.

The GuardSport Project - Join now!

Regular Safeguarding reminders are vital in any effective Safeguarding culture.

Be a proactive sports Safeguarding community.

The GuardSport project aims to provide as many sports clubs in the world with regular safeguarding reminders and information. We Know that this goes a long way to creating a safeguarding culture within your organisation.

GuardSport has created a rolling set of safeguarding reminders for both email and social media that contain information that can be distributed to your community simply and effectively. They will help raise awareness and educate your community as it moves towards an improved safeguarding culture.

Sign up to the GuardSport project and you will receive them in PDF format via email every 2 weeks and you can distribute to your community.

Checklist for choosing a sports club:

The information below summarises the key questions that you should be asking to ensure the club you choose for your child has a focus on keeping children and young people safe.

Clubs have a duty of care to create a safe and inclusive environment for all children and young people.

If the answer to any of the below questions is ‘no’, raise your concern with the organisation.

Does the club have a child safeguarding policy and child safeguarding commitment statement?

Is it accessible to all parents/carers?

Does the club have a designated safeguarding officer? Are their details promoted by the club? Have they been trained by a Safe Sport program?

Does the club provide child friendly information to children on their rights to be safe and feel safe, including how to report a concern?

Does the club have other policies in place to protect children and young people?
Complaints procedure, photography and filming policy & Social media policy & codes of conduct. Does the club outline how they will communicate with parents/carers and young people?

Does the club have transparent child safe recruitment practices for staff and volunteers? Reference checks/Disclosure forms.
Working with Children Checks (or equivalent if possible)

Do staff/volunteers at the club receive ongoing training and education on how to keep children and young people safe?

Does the club communicate their approach to supervision of children and young people? For example, what is the ratio of adults supervising children/young people?

Does the club require parents/carers to sign consent forms for:

Attendance at events/activities
Medical information and Emergency contact details?

Does the club encourage involvement of or engage with parents/carers and children/young people? Are parents/carers, children and young people included in decision making?